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Roxx Populi: Episode 3
I Love My Chatbot Daddy
an episodic audio drama
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Episode 3 - I Love My Chatbot Daddy
00:00 / 41:49

Hitting a wall after the Gil incident, Roxxie and Deuter hide under the ocean. Deuter's father, Mantaman Classic, set up a secret underwater sex club: Mantamanadu. A hideaway for the rich and influential, Mantamanadu is the trench-side sex club.
Too bad the previous guests, a Congress of Senators, are still in residence. And they aren’t leaving without a little extra persuasion. For Roxxie, it's to acquire a legitimate evil lair. For Deuter, it's a chance to ditch his best friend in a trench and save his own hide. But if Deuter wants to let go of Roxxie, he'll have to let go of his father's legacy.
The Creative Team

Roxx Populi is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement,
a regrant program supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in
partnership with the City Council and administered by LMCC.

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